Free protocol for
Do Ginger extract massage every day. This will restore
about 50% of the lost kidney function. To restore maximum (close to 100%)
function, do the following every day in addition to ginger extract massage.
This protocol is recommended for those at early stage of kidney degeneration to
prevent dialysis. Since this is an external treatment, this can be done on
dialysis patients too, in order to reduce the frequency of dialysis.
massage must be done 2 hours after breakfast or lunch, preferably atthe same
time every day. Do not talk during the ginger massage. Have positive thinking
like your kidney is definitely going to restore function.
2. Add
a pinch of crushed omam (oragane) in a salad, boiled egg white, rasam or
poriyal / koottu and make it a habit to take this every day.
3. Take
cold water bath every day, may be during winter (October-December / January)
you may take warm water bath if you cannot stand cold water bath.
4. Take
a small quantity of fruits (half apple/ one slice of pine apple / 10 numbers of
pannier grapes/ guava) every day. These are the permitted fruits.
5. Take
half tea spoon of clean turmeric powder with milk or water after dinner every
6. Take
a natural vitamin supplement like Spiruplus of Oncophyta everyday one capsule.
7. Take
500-700 ml of water of mineral water quality every day. This quantity can be
increased to 1 liter when the urine output goes up to 700 ml.
8. Avoid
totally banana, potato, tomato and egg yolk (yellow).
9. Avoid
deep fried non-vegetarian items and all food and bakery products containing
10. Avoid
salty foods and snacks. Add half the quantity of saltin cooked foods.
for Ginger massage:
125 g of washed ginger and cut them into pieces and crush in a mixie or ammi.
this in a kata cloth and tie it.
about 3 liters of water. When bubbles come, squeeze the ginger into the boiled
water. Also put the tied ginger inside into the boiling water and close the pot
with a plate.