Berries are loaded with full of fiber which makes you eat less and works as antioxidant which protects your body from from inflammation and organ damage.To get better result eat 2 to 3 types of fresh berries in a day.All fruits and vegetables have antioxidants but berries have more best resources.Vitamin C is one the best antioxidant found in berries.

Health benefits of berries are:
Blackberry contained more than 85% OF water along with fiber.If you are trying to reduce your weight blackberries are best fruit to reduce weight,lowers your cholesterol and also avoid cardiovascular diseases control type II diabetes.Vitamin B present in blackberry helps to maintain hair in good condition.It consist full of potent antioxidants that may help in age related memory loss and eye sight problems. Blueberries:
It is an antioxidant powerhouse.Deep blue color indicates that it contains high amount of phyto-nutrients,it helps in the process of neutralize damage cells in our body.Blueberries are also help to reduce the developing diseases and inflammation of cells.It also reduces the cardiovascular diseases,cancers,ulcers etc……..It can slow down the aging process and reduce damage of cells leads to cancer.
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